SDS-WAS provides a set of services related to the mineral dust forecast. It collects numerical model and observational data from a wide set of partners plus internally developed, generates post-processed analysis and statistics, disseminates results to users and organizes training courses and events
SDS-WAS provides a set of services related to the mineral dust forecast. It collects numerical model and observational data from a wide set of partners plus internally developed, generates post-processed analysis and statistics, disseminates results to users and organizes training courses and events. The aim is to give support to institutional entities (e.g. National Meteorological Agencies) to warn about possible dust events and to foster the study of dust-related phenomena into the academic and research communities. The EOSC infrastructure will give the possibility to increase the quantity of data hosted and processed and reach a wider set of users.As shown in figure, the service is configured as an High Availability Cluster of two duplicated instances with a frontend of a web portal (which shows and disseminate all services) and a backend of a local storage and a set of libraries for post-processing/data analytics. The authentication service will be the entry point, and all products will be available through the B2SHARE service. The B2SAFE service will federate all storages running as a backup service.

SDS-WASS thematic service includes or will include the following services listed in the EOSC marketplace:
- B2ACCESS used to authenticate users into the services.
- EC3 to run dynamically the in-house numerical model simulation plus some post-processes.
- B2SHARE will be the service to expose and disseminate developed products.
- B2SAFE will run as a BACKUP service.