Handbook on EOSC infrastructure integration

How to make your infrastructure EOSC-aware


The handbook for integration of services with EOSC is a document for quick reference for different types of EOSC users, with relevant information about technical management of infrastructures (integration, security procedures), usage (VO creation, usability) and the accounting of the services.

The Handbook provides a blueprint for scalable and efficient Cloud service integration, which is based on the principles of separation of concerns, clearly defined roles and clear communication between them. The topics covered in the Handbook include open-source cloud infrastructure support, custom extensions and tools to bridge gaps. Different entry levels for different users’ knowledge levels are supported via IM / IM-Dashboard, OpenStack Dashboard, fedcloudclient. Finally, the handbook describes targeted extensions and tools to address general use-case needs, specific monitoring and accounting.

Exploitation paths

The handbook will be made publicly available and disseminated across EOSC potentially interested Infrastructure Managers.

Target audience/beneficiaries

The customers of this KER belong to community developers of thematic (discipline specific) services, those community services admins and managers, VO integrators and site admins, as well as related projects in the EOSC environment, and eInfrastructures.

Added Value / Benefits

The main benefit of the Service Integration Notebook is the provision of information, specifications and tools for easy and scalable solutions to integrate the relevant services in the EOSC federated cloud for the intended customers. This document provides a central reference point for clear and customer-centric information about innovative services and the infrastructure management/access, with clear definition of roles to maximise the time management of the end users, admins or managers.

Handbook KER Brochure [PDF]


Relevant links

The Handbook is available at https://handbook.eosc-synergy.eu

Access to the KER on the Horizon results platform