Services Quality Baseline

Result description: Guidelines for the development and delivery of quality-assured, secured services for inclusion in EOSC

Type: technical specifications

Target Audience: EOSC ecosystem, projects, software developers, research software engineers, service integrators, service providers

Key benefits: Assess and assure the quality and maturity of services within the EOSC through a DevOps based approach. Build trust in EOSC by strengthening the reliability and stability of the provided services, thus ensuring a proper realization of the verification and validation processes. Ensure the functional suitability of the service by promoting testing techniques that check compliance with the user requirements. Improve usability by identifying the set of criteria that fosters service adoption. Promote the automated validation of the service quality criteria.

Key exploitation paths: Basis for the EOSC-Synergy SQAaaS service validation aimed at supporting an EOSC-wide quality-driven process for services integration and maintenance. D3.1 (M10), document in Digital CSIC, disseminate the links (news item and social media publication)