Coordination needed: recurring theme from a recent UK workshop on open research skills

On 26th November 2021, the Open Research Competencies Coalition (ORCC),  in cooperation with FAIRsFAIR and EOSC Synergy projects, co-organised a virtual session on  Advancing the skills agenda for reproducibility, open and FAIR. The session aimed to identify and map the skills and competencies needed by the current and future open research support workforce.

This online interactive event brought together 67 researchers and professionals from a range of institutions in the open research space to discuss the aspects of provision of training in the UK. From library staff to IT staff, research managers and others active in learning and development roles. This session covered the support currently being provided to researchers and how  trainers of open research may be supported to deliver this training successfully. A recording of the event is available and the slides are online.

Following speakers from the University of Leeds, the FAIRsFAIR project and the UK Reproducibility Network, the workshop captured the views and experiences of attendees. Examples of good practice of open research training and support were shared, but a need was identified for more collaboration and coordination both within and between institutions. For more detail please read the full report.

Author: Helen Clare (JISC)

This blogpost was previously published on JISC Research on February 7th, 2022