Hackathon Manager

Description of the Result

The Hackathon manager is a platform created to facilitate the organisation of hackathons taking advantage of the EOSC infrastructure. The role of the HaaS platform is to provide infrastructure and a ready-to-work environment for each participant in a hackathon, allowing them to focus on their ideas and improvements and not worry about anything related to installing or configuring software.

Target audience/beneficiaries

Hackathon manager is a tool that makes life easier to organisers and participants for events in which infrastructure usage is needed. Organisers are able to create a new event in a few minutes, just specifying the minimum details (how many resources you want to provide to each event participant), you don’t have to worry about anything else. Each time a new participant joins your events, his infrastructure will be automatically deployed and he will be able to download his credentials to access. As a participant, you will be able to request participation in open events, and you will get directly invited by managers to closed events. To access your assigned infrastructure, you don’t have to worry about complex instructions, you only need to download the credentials from the hackathon screen and start using it.

Added Value / Benefits

Organisers are able to create a new event in a few minutes, just specifying some minimum details and the resources to be provided. Participants are able to request participation to open events. Participants will get directly invited by managers to closed events. Participants don’t have to worry about complex instructions, they only need to click on one button, wait for the assigned infrastructure to be deployed, and download the credentials from the hackathon screen to start using it.

Use and Impact after EOSC Synergy

The Hackathon manager is accessible through the EOSC Portal and at https://hackathon-manager.bifi.es/  Several engagement activities have been carried out for getting new users, finding new target groups, and validating the ideas towards the market uptake. A business plan has been defined with different plans and prices so the service can be offered globally. New contacts are being made to show the tool to potential users and institutions, and to find new collaboration possibilities and running new events. BIFI-Unizar team is in touch with Kampal Data Solution company, a spin-o of the University of Zaragoza (Spain), to licence the exploitation of the platform as it showed interest in the tool’s commercialisation.

HaaS KER Brochure [PDF]

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