EOSC Synergy has participated in the e-IRG May event with the feedback of two researchers involved in the tasks of EOSC Synergy in the areas of Training and FAIR Data adoption. […]

EOSC Synergy has participated in the e-IRG May event with the feedback of two researchers involved in the tasks of EOSC Synergy in the areas of Training and FAIR Data adoption. […]
EOSC Synergy, along with EOSC Secretariat, EOSC Nordic, EOSC Pillar, NI4OS-Europe and ExPaNDS, support the EOSC Community with the development and implementation of the European Open Science Cloud initiative, each […]
EOSC Synergy supports research related to COVID-19, through the deployment of a Cloud Computing Service based on Galaxy. Now, as a non-technical professional myself, I was very curious to learn […]
Earlier this month, Helen Clare presented at the Open Educational Resources 2020 conference on the activities of the EOSC Synergy project around supporting delivery of online training for EOSC. The conference […]
EOSC Synergy published a white paper on the state-of-the-art of Digital Badge issuing technologies as part of its software quality assurance architecture. The document is available in open access at […]
An instance of a Galaxy portal for the processing of genomic data has been setup at: https://covid19.eosc-synergy.eu/galaxy The portal is freely accessible and includes data on coronavirae and specially samples […]
With the novel COVID-19 Coronavirus, the world is experiencing a variety of challenges. Researchers are working day and night, analysing the outbreak. Open Science, as a whole, has never been […]
By Matti Heikkurinen, EGI …the performance of your research and innovation services. We are of course talking about policy work: ensuring that the developments and services fit the rules and […]
EOSC Synergy aims at expanding the uptake of EOSC by building capacities. Thematic services constitute an important part of the project and are the final layer that is exposed to […]
Quality is a fundamental aspect for a successful uptake of EOSC services and data repositories by the European research communities. EOSC Synergy is developing a quality based approach to foster the […]